“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
– John 3:16
8 is the Number of New Beginnings
I thought I knew what faith was, I mean I have seen miracles, healings, finances met and much more…but the faith you had was no matter what I will stand and know that even through this God is here. The faith that said, no, cancer will not win and it will bow to the name of Jesus! The kind of faith that knew when on earth you took your last breath that you would then be in heaven.

You loved unconditionally, you never judged a soul.
Gossip was something you detested, your integrity was through the roof, you loved with all your heart, you never labeled people with any title except child of God, you quickly forgave, and most of all you loved us! Your family has an emptiness with out you, but we will be ok…….eventually.
I told you I would not leave your side during these last days in the hospital. You labored for 6 of them and then rested on the 7th and began your new journey on the 8th day! I watched you as you opened your eyes wide for the first time in days and you looked straight at Jesus! You then took your last breath in my arms as I held you so tight! I took my first breath in your arms and you took your last breath in mine!
We went through it and you received your crown of glory along with the words…“well done my good and faithful servant!”
I love you best friend, piece of my heart, mom!! I will miss you on earth but I know we will one day see each other soon!
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”
– Jeremiah 29:11